Time is marching on! It feels kind of strange that it's May - feels that we skipped right over April.
On the gardening front - Lettuce is doing well. I'm waiting for it to get a bit bigger before harvesting any. I added more plants to the veggie garden Saturday. I should be set except I broke the stem of the Jelly Bean cherry tomato plant as I put it into the ground. I'll have to go get another one as I really want to try this variety. There are a few bare spots in the flower garden where something or another didn't make it through the winter. I'll fill those spots soon. I can't imagine why everything didn't make it through this mild winter we had. Even my potted mint, rosemary, and parsley made it through with no problem.
We've been enjoying a variety of birds at the feeders. During dinner, it's like watching a movie through the windows. I feed Safflower, Black-Oiled Sunflower, Thistle, Peanuts in the Shell, and Suet so we attract lots of different appetites. Added to the regulars we've had Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks for the last several days. They're so pretty but will soon continue their migration. In this photo on the left, you can see a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak peeping around the feeder. You can also see two Red-Bellied Woodpeckers hanging upside down on the suet feeder. Very unusual to see two at a time like this. I'm still waiting for my first hummingbird of the season. My feeders have been hanging for weeks but I haven't spied any yet. A couple evenings ago, there was a beautiful hawk sitting down by the pond. He stayed in that spot for quite some time.
Last night, the sunset was absolutely spectacular! It sets across the road from the front of our house and that light coming through the front windows and door makes the interior glow. When I noticed how rosy it was turning inside, I grabbed my phone and went outside to take a picture. It was just breathtaking!
I've been trying to paint everyday. Mostly they are little things - my Daily Smalls or the Doodlewash Daily/Monthly Prompts. Yesterday, I finally scratched an itch. I took this photo during last year's beach trip with Taylor, Rachael, Landen, and Raleigh and have been wanting to paint it for a long time. Finally, I did it! I'm hoping to find maybe two or maybe three more photos from the trip to paint. I'd like to be able to make a grouping. If they turn out well, I want to give them to Taylor and Rachael to hang in their new home. I'm pleased with this one. It's still kind of small but (6" x 8") but will appear larger when matted and framed.
Governor DeWine is slowly reopening Ohio. We'll see what the weeks ahead hold for us. Hopefully, people will be smart and have learned a lot during this "stay-at-home" time. Hopefully, we will be more attuned to others' needs and more willing to put others first. May we realize that it's not all about ourselves.
One can hope.
Take care and thanks so much for reading!