Summer is plugging right along here. We've had extreme heat and humidity (for Ohio) like the rest of the country and lots and lots of rain.
The garden goods have grown by leaps and bounds with little effort from me. It's been so wet that I lost my cucumber plants after getting only one cucumber off of three vines. I just got two more plants and need to get them in the ground to try again. The tomatoes are starting to ripen and the spaghetti squash vines have traveled all over. I've harvested the cabbages and have gotten several yellow squash off the vines.
I love not having to water the gardens! It would be nice, though, if the rain was a little more evenly spaced. I'm sure the ground will be bone-dry in August and September. I have really been enjoying the many coneflowers and daisies that are blooming. I love cutting them and having little arrangements placed around the house. Nothing fancy - just cut flowers stuck in a vase or bottle.
I have a lot of soap that has cured and will be busy this weekend wrapping and labeling. It's time to start thinking of fall and winter soaps. Oh, the designs that run through my head! Love them!
Summer has also brought a Summer Blitz - knitting contest. I have knit a project in June (shawl for Mom) and am almost finished with the July project (shawl for me). Can hardly wait to find out what the project choices are for August. Then, there'll be a prize at the end for completing a project each of the three months.
The big rug hooking event is approaching at Sauder Village in August. Our rug hooking guild is doing a sunflower challenge. Each of us was given two pieces of wool and choice of sunflower patterns. The challenge is to incorporate the two pieces of wool somewhere in our hooked piece. I need to get on the stick with this - am starting mine tonight and need to finish it as soon as possible!!! I've been too busy knitting to hook!
Brian, our older son, is in the area this week for training and we enjoyed seeing him Monday and Tuesday nights. Wish he could bring the rest of the family with him for a long visit! Miss them!
Stay tuned for show and tell!!!!