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September 24, 2011


Barbara Kintz

So sorry for your troubles I will keep up with you with your mom. Thank you for your card.


Oh Robin, I can't believe it. I do know that whatever happens you both will face it with the right attitude and a sense of humor! I know it has been fun for you getting to know a new place, meeting new people and having fun with your new home.

Keep your spirits up as you know there are just some things that are outside of your control.


NO, NOT again!!!! feel for you! We were moving constantly until 5 years ago....due to the dawling's forever stuck due to house sales.........

Robin Crittenden

I know it's been a tough week. I'm praying that Andy finds a new and better job so you can stay there.

What's going on, medical tests? I hope you are ok.

I know you enjoyed your parents, I remember that same feeling when my parents left going home. Ray and I never lived close to them.

I hope you have a good weekend.

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