Saturday, May 29th, found Susan, Debbie, and I heading north to Wooster, OH. Destination - Great Lakes
Fiber Show.
It was a gorgeous day! Too hot for my liking - upper 80's - but gorgeous nonetheless.
We saw sheep and alpaca aplenty. I succumbed to a beautiful alpaca blanket and handed it off to Ohio Valley Fiber Mill for processing. I can't wait to see what they do with it. Wanting to compare the two, I asked for half roving and half batts. The color was too pretty to resist - a reddish tan and cream.
I also purchased an interesting shawl pin from Waters Edge Jewelry. Then, there was Susan Preuss with some very interesting baskets. I couldn't resist this spindle basket. You place your roving inside the basket and can holster your spindle on the outside. With the basket hanging from your shoulder, you can walk and spindle. Very clever design!!! (If interested, email her and ask about this basket. I believe she had to take the pictures of it down from her site as someone was copying it. Pity.)
Briar Rose Fibers was there with their beautiful yarns and patterns. They feature their own patterns, as well as, those of Anne Hanson of knitspot. I purchased several patterns from each designer and just drooled over the yarns.
Susan picked up her new Lendrum double treadle wheel from Mary and Gary Scott of Serendipity Farm in Virginia. Susan wants to learn to spin and asked me which wheel I would recommend. I told her hands-down - a Lendrum Double Treadle. She looked around but couldn't find anyone with one in stock. I told her about Mary. She called them and sure 'nuf, she had several in stock and would deliver one to her at the show in Wooster. Mary also carries parts for Lendrums so I purchased a couple of bobbins and extra drive cords.
Yesterday, Andy and I went to the antique fair in Waynesville. The town shut down a block and had antique vendors on both sides of the street. It was HOT! 90 degrees. We looked at stuff and decided we had enough antiques that we need to get rid of ourselves. Andy is always on the look-out for old tools but didn't find anything he couldn't live without yesterday.
We grabbed sandwiches at the Der Dutchman corner shop and ate outside in the shade. Then, we headed to check out the shops at Scioto Square. I spotted a new one - Wombat Art Gallery(web site in the works). The gallery is housed in the front end of a wonderful large building with a porch all across the front of the long building. Well-lit with art and fine crafts, the gallery was a delight and one-of-a-kind for Waynesville.
The Waynesville Garden Club was selling plants and flower vases at the gazebo.
The highlight of the gallery was Sugar - an 8 year old Cockatoo. SO SWEET!!!! I held her for a long time and she just laid her head against my chest and would raise her wings for me to rub underneath them. As we were leaving, her owner had her out on the porch railing by the flag. She was giving a speech as if she was running for office! Too cute! The owner said that Cockatoos can live to be 75 years of age. She added that someone is going to get a surprise from her will!
On the way home, we drove down every road of Caesar Creek State Park. We passed campgrounds, beaches, equine camping spots, youth fishing pond, picnic shelters, etc. What a beautiful area!!!!! People were out in droves enjoying the day. We live on the east side of the park - across from the largest boat ramps. Boat traffic has been busy going in and out all weekend.
Knitty News - I'm up to the leaf border of my market bag. You can see the base of the leaves being formed.
Spinning News - Susan will be here shortly for a spinning lesson. This will be great because it will make me spin!!!
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Happy Memorial Day to everyone!!!! Bless the US of A and all our service people who work to keep us safe and free.
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