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August 09, 2007



You know that expression about the faster I go, the behinder I get. Well, I'm just catching up to about the last two weeks of blog posts. And Ravelry, oh my. See, I just refuse to log in to Ravelry most days. I'm in, but there's too much fun to be had there, and I'd get even behinder than I am.

I've really enjoyed the pics from the rug hooking workshop, and the lake, and of course, the kitties.


Those socks are so much fun.

OMG. All those books? That's some library, lady!


Great socks! I love Ravelry - I get sucked in!


love those socks!

I looked after we talked the othe day 2265(ish) people in front of me. That night I couldn't remember the exact number but it was down to 19-- something! I'm thinking at this rate I'll be in by the end of August.

(please don't tell me to photograph the stash now. I know I should but it'll never happen! lol)


Love the socks. I've got to check that Opal out. I received my invite but have not had the time to do much more than register.


Too darn hot!! By the time you finish knitting anything, it's felted it self!
I love the socks!! They are fantastic! i haven't used a self striping yarn yet--but I may have to now!
I think the Giotto is going to look lovely, regardless of the design. The colours are exceptional. The suit you. By the way, I think the Crystal Palace pattern is nice. You could wear it over a solid colour silk tank top that matches the pants. Nice.


Robin, the socks are great! I'm glad they turned out so well. Are you a Magic Loop convert?

Yesterday (Wed.) my WeatherBug said it got to 107°F here! That's the hottest I think I've ever seen it get here in Richmond. Needless to say, I didn't leave the house. Bleh. It still said it was 98°F at 10 pm! Nasty! I think if I didn't have central A/C, I'd sell my car for a window unit!

Robin C

love the socks. Interesting colors.

yes, it's way too hot here too. Yesterday my car said 108 on the way home. UGH!!!

I'm waiting for Ravelry. Can't wait.


Hi Robin....

Hot here too...I'm so ready for Mom thinks I'm nuts! Glad the rain left too...we are not a "monsoon" state so they can have those rains!

Socks are beautiful...reminds me that I have a pair lurking somewhere in a bag from last winter...should dig them out and try to get them done!

And I love the sweater would be beautiful in anything you decide to make. Good luck!


Ah, Ravelry, the black-hole of my knitting time... Look me up, I'm Loribird over there too!

Robin in VA

Ravelry is amazing...and so are your socks!

Jeanne B.

Neat socks! Ravelry... yeah, don't you just love it? You say, "I'll just sit down here for a few minutes and upload a few stash pictures" then suddenly ten hours have passed...

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