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« R & R | Main | Could Have Been Worse »

August 14, 2007


Jeanne B.

I'm so glad you weren't scrunched! Sending positive vibes that it works out in your favor.


Oh No!!! Thank goodness you're ok!!!!! Jane


P.S. I rented a PT Cruiser once -- thought I'd love it. HATED it. Too many blind spots.... Speaking of which -- be careful driving that thing.


It's times like that it's good to have (1) a cell phone, and (2) a camera. Better yet -- a cell phone WITH a camera! (I need to get one of those). I'm just glad you weren't hurt.


wow you were lucky!


Holy! I'm glad you weren't hurt! We used to have PT Cruiser. I really liked it.


Thank goodness you are OK!


Hi Robin!

Lord have mercy...glad you are okay. I am gone one day and this happens! I have to agree with others tho'... your telling of the story and running after the jerk gave me a chuckle and I can just see you tearing up the street yelling at the idiot! Most important, you are okay. So, hoping along with the rest that you get this guy, the insurance pays. Thank goodness YOU were paying attention...that's all it takes!


Definitely want to see the pictures! I know the run over curbs all the time, but an SUV! Sheesh.


HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you are ok!!! You are right, how can you not know you ran over something??


OMG, thank goodness you're alright.

Um, can feel that! Deb used to drive long haul and i went on the road with her for a week once, you can feel when you barely tap something.

Oh, i hope everything works out with the insurance.


So glad you're OK except for your nerves I'm sure. Hope the 'right thing' happens. Good thing you had a cell phone! I guess technology can come in handy.


That is insane. But not totally surprising.

Robin C

gosh Robin,

you have way too much excitement in your life. Seriously, I'm glad you didn't get hurt and that you did get the insurance info from this man. I know, it seems like there is always something to make life more interesting than we need. Knitters need peaceful quiet.

Robin in VA

OMG!! I'm glad you are okay! Sue~Sue~Sue!! Get you your own PT Cruiser! I know you are loving it!


hehehe I had to post again, my last "check phrase" was dpn8x... something :)


Oh my!! That's awful scary I'm glad you're ok and I'm keeping my fingers crossed the other driver tells the truth!


OMG, what an experience. Glad you are OK. You sure make the telling of the experience funny. Good thing you got out of the car. What a hassle this is going to be. Now, if you had been on a state road running after the truck the police might have given you a ticket for going over the speed limit! Only in VA. Oh, I have a PT and love it. I drove VW most of my life and when this came out I had to have one. Ya know the old hipppy in me.


GOOD GRIEF Robin! I am glad that YOU weren't hurt. Thankfully he missed that part of the car. I can see you now running after the "Mack" truck. that did give me a chuckle.sorry. couldn't help it.

Keep us posted on how this saga continues.
How goes the wedding sweater? I saw a swatch- what's it gonna be?

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